Operator: RadioMobil
Standard: GSM 900
Display: Paegas, CS01, CS Paegas, 230 01
Emergency calls: 112, 150 fire alarm, 158 police, 155 ambulance
Customer Care - 4603, 4604 (mobile)
+420 603604604 (international)
Local calls: 0, area code, telephone number
In Paegas network hasn't division time for peak and off-peak.
Charging principle: Incoming -per minute;outgoing per 30 seconds.
Incoming calls, min.
Local outgoing calls, min.
Network outgoing calls, min.
International outgoing calls, min.
Incoming SMS
Outgoing SMS
The above tariffs are stipulated in USD, including VAT and can be used for rough calculation of roaming expenses. Tariffs on outgoing calls should be recalculated into local currency. Each call cost depends upon fluctuations of local currency rates to USD. Payments should be done in UAH equivalent to the NBU exchange rate on date of payment.
Roaming tariffs could be changed by the receiving operator without notice.