Itemized bills.
Itemized bills indicate detailed information including numbers of incoming/outgoing calls, date and time of each call, call duration, cost of each call, usage of value added services. Subscribers can order /cancel this service through WellCOM brand Shop on 10 blv.T.Shevchenko. Charge for the service is 6 c.u. (for one bill).
Monthly bills delivery.
At the subscribers discretion bills may be delivered by free courier delivery to the address pointed by the subscriber in his subscription card, or be made available for personal collection at WellCOM brand Shop on 10 blv.T.Shevchenko. For correct bills delivery please inform Customer Care Service about any changes in your address details.
Temporary Suspension of Number
A mobile number may be suspended at subscriber's written request in case he/she will not use it for any reasons up to 3 months period. The monthly fee during the period of suspension at subscriber's request is not payable. For temporary suspension of a number a subscriber should personally visit WellCOM brand Shop on 10 blv.T.Shevchenko or send by fax his application to Customer Care Service.
Loss of a Mobile Handset.
In case a mobile handset is lost a subscriber should immediately call Customer Care Service for blocking outgoing/incoming calls.